forget mee wictor, I am one of few Jw on this bord.
I hade a debbte widh blondie about this topic, when she atack mee fore being here and not the subljekt i putt froward.
I can not understand why you discuss this things, isnt this a JW bord open fore evryone?
alright it is a lot of apostates here, but others to, and if it is 0nly fore apostates i think you have to change the name JW discuss forum, to former JW discuss forum.
Or are you afraid that you soon have 1 million JW to debatte widh?
When this pedofile thing now soon blow uppp in sweden, i am very happy to bee one of few how now evrything about this, I have told evry elder inn the cong about the history , and whats behind this, and have a very good respons from most of them.
When they say this is bigg lies from apostates, i have told them to read the WT now 1995, and see if they can stand fore this polyci, and then i have explaind how it all start widh the elder BB how try to stopp this polyci how hurt somany, and that he was dfd fore that, and the site silent lambs is a place wher we can read about several vicktims, and what they have
been truh.
I can tell ytou that a lot of woman dont belive this , when they here it, i dont say I have the solution to how to handel this, but i think I have get the messege to a lot of peopel inside the cong, thanks to my intrest to this media.
And I think perhaps jesus when he talk about the weeak and pore, and hurt, say to us to try to comfort them, what ever men say, even if it is Gb, we must all be judge on the day individual fore what we have done, and dont.
widh love from HM